Real estate

Boost your Real Estate Brand

with our marketing special

Newtral Groundz is offering FIVE Louisiana Real Estate brands the opportunity to work with our team! The package is $650 for a month of CURATED PROMOTION on our social media channels and flagship website.

Reach the Louisiana market in an organic way

With Newtral Groundz on your team, you can reach an entire audience of real people in New Orleans and the Greater Louisiana region with the click of a few buttons.

This package includes

Instagram Promotion

For this package, you will get 2 Instagram posts per week @newtralgroundz account. Send us the content and we'll make sure it's formatted for our feed!

Twitter (X) Promotion

We will create a news style post on our Twitter (X) account and repost it on our Instagram feed for maximum reach. We will do this once per week for 4 weeks.

Website Article Interview

A member of our team will send you some questions for you to answer for your web feature on

Real Estate content that does best on Newtral Groundz


Newtral Groundz Media, LLC All Rights Reserved 2021