We all know Jay Electronica for his sentient music style, but did you know he was born and raised in the Magnolia Projects?
Elpadaro F. Electronica Allah also known as Jay Electronica is a Roc Nation rapper from New Orleans. He attended St. Augustine Highschool in the 7th Ward before leaving to pursue his music dreams in the late 1990s.

Electronica left New Orleans as a young adult in the late 1990s with the intention of moving to New York City but took a stop in Atlanta. While in Atlanta, he accepted the teachings of Elijah Muhammad before becoming a member of the Nation of Islam in Chicago.
Jay Electronica being from the Magnolia Projects shows the diversity that New Orleans is able to produce even in the toughest conditions. Jay Electronica became one of the most omnium figures in rap and he didn’t let his upbringing stop that.
Watch our full Magnolia Projects documentary below if you want the full story.