Eastside Kidd delivered a very inspirational message in music video “Couple Racks.” The music video opens up with a skit of Eastside Kidd and Mario Da Comic portraying two construction workers. In the scene the workers are discussing leaving their corporate world jobs to chase their rap careers. The workers daze into promising thoughts of being in the music business and the music video begins .

“Couple Racks” is track #1 on Eastside Kidd’s latest album Be Patient. This is a 6 song album that discusses learning the importance of patience as an artist. “Patience is a key component when it comes to being successful, so me being someone who”s been at this for 7+ years, I felt sometime’s I had to remind myself to just be patient “, Eastside Kidd said when asked about the meaning behind the album title.
Go after your dreams. Stream “Couple Racks” and Eastside Kidd’s album Be Patient on Apple Music and Spotify today while doing so. Check out the Youtube video as well : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUbCSNrO2Co .