It’s undoubtedly safe to say that with the rise of social media over the years, the platform for politics has expanded. Sadly, it’s hard to make the distinction whether social media has had a positive or negative affect on our society. Bottom line, elections are here, and it’s your time to contribute by exercising your American rights. What rights are those? Most importantly, the right to vote. Whether you’re female, male, black, or white, understanding who and what you’re voting on is essential to the foundation of life.
For a while now I have been struggling with understanding why people choose not to vote. Although voting isn’t easily accessible to all, it’s a small majority (i.e. the elderly, disabled, etc.). When I really sat down and thought about it, I came to the conclusion that people are confused about voting. Or, they really don’t feel as if their ‘one’ personal vote can make a difference. As someone who is susceptible to the land of the law on a regular basis, I believe it comes down to the language within the law, which ultimately creates intimidation and confusion as to what one is specifically voting on.This is an attempt to speak outside of the “Article and Section lingo”.
Going back to the rise of social media in today’s society and its effects on politics, I wanted to attempt to lay out who and what’s up for grabs in November. The underlying is my attempt to provide you with a simpler explanation of who and what you will be voting for come November 6, 2018, specifically in Orleans Parish.
If you live in the surrounding area, the categories of voting are similar. All you have to do is head to the Secretary of State to see who and what will be up for election in the district that you live (ironically, we will be voting on a new Secretary of State for the state of Louisiana).
I wanted to first take on the Amendments to the Constitution that you can vote on this upcoming election. If you’re going to vote, these are important, as they can be the most effective to you and your families everyday life.
In the spotlight is Amendment No. 2. The upcoming vote proposes a change to the current law that allows split-jury verdicts on serious felonies. Of the 50 states, only Louisiana and Oregon allow an accuser to be convicted of a serious felony if 10 or 12 jurors vote to convict. In the court of law, decisions are made based on reasonable doubt, which is the basis of innocent until proven guilty.
There are six Amendments to be voted on come November 6, 2018. Citizens of Orleans Parish will vote on the following below. If you’re interested in reform, VOTE!
Vote YES: To prohibit a convicted felon to run for public office 5 years after their sentence is completed.
Vote NO: To allow a convicted felon the opportunity to run for office.
Vote YES: To require a unanimous jury when sentencing someone who’s been accused on a non-capital felony. Pretty much, everyone in the Jury has to be on the same page of either ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’.
Vote NO: Deny the proposed change and allow the accused to be convicted, if 10 of 12 jurors vote to do so.
Vote YES: To allow a neighboring parish to use public equipment and/or personnel for authorized activities.
Vote NO: To deny a neighboring parish to use public equipment and/or personnel for authorized activities.
Vote YES: End the practice of transferring infrastructure funds from the Transportation Trust Fund to the State Police for the use of traffic control.
Vote NO: Allow the transfer of funds from the Transportation Trust Fund to the State Police.
Vote YES: To expand the current tax exemptions for special persons to include designating their property into a trust or the transfer of a property to another designated individual. Upon the death of the special persons, the exemption would end.
Vote NO: To deny the expansion of the special tax exemption. The owner of the property would not be able to place it into a trust.
Vote YES: To allow homeowners whose property tax increases more than 50% in one year due to reappraisal to pay those taxes over a rate of over 4 years. The 4 year phase would provide residents time to financially prepare at the face of increasing property taxes.
Vote NO: To deny homeowners whose property tax increases more than 50% in one year due to reappraisal the eligibility to pay those taxes at a rate of over 4 years.
I thought this chart by Indivisible New Orleans was great. It further explains the Amendments to the Constitution that will be on the ballot.
Vote YES: To legalize fantasy sports in Orleans Parish.
Vote NO: To keep fantasy sport winnings “illegal” in Orleans Parish.
A United States Representative makes and passes federal laws. The number of US Representative’s is relative to each state and is based on the state’s population. For Orleans Parish, there are two separate Districts to vote on:
More information about each candidate and their positions is available here.
If you’re attempting to start a business, the role of the Secretary of State should be important to you. And, if you’re unhappy with the political views of the Louisiana Secretary of State that’s voted into office while opening your business, then you’ll have to wait another 4 years to elect a new one. You also must register to vote under the Secretary of State.
Pretty much, the Secretary of State is a bookkeeper. The role varies for each state based on its population. The elected individual is responsible for providing business owners and Louisiana citizens with innovative programs and services that are available to them in their state.
It’s my opinion that citizens, even outside of New Orleans, and even Louisiana, find it hard to make the distinction between the roles of a Civil Court versus a Criminal Court. When people ask me if I can “hook them up” with an attorney for their criminal case, without knowing that I only work in civil law, it tells me a lot about the lack of knowledge our public officials have failed to provide us with.
Civil Court versus Criminal Court. The distinction between the two pertains to the issue at hand. Each Court is susceptible to an entirely different set of rules, legislation, and Judges. There are no Criminal Court elections taking place in this upcoming election.
Cases that go to Civil Court involve domestic, employment, race, discrimination, monetary, and many more issues. They’re ‘civil’ issues.
Cases in Criminal Court are obviously more serious and typically bring a different level of tragedy. They involve individuals that pose a threat to society.
Again, I am only highlighting the candidates up for grabs in ORLEANS PARISH. But, most importantly, there’s a plethora of issues and candidates to be voted on in the surrounding areas of Orleans Parish. BE SURE TO LOOK AT ALL BALLOTS HERE.
Getting back to social media’s impact on us as a society, it’s easy to highlight both the positive and negative aspects. Going forward, social media, the internet, and our ‘virtual beings’ within will continue to increase; but it doesn’t have to be negative. Even though the internet provides a shield for people to voice their opinions (without precaution), it also increases awareness for issues that need to be properly addressed if we want to be united both as a nation, state, and parish.
#TWERKTHEVOTE: Check out the newest remix to 5th Ward Weebie’s LET ME FIND OUT (VOTE!). Directed by BMike filmed by Andrew Bui. Features TwerkNOLA girls.
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