Newtral Groundz

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  • Mother-Daughter duo of “Credit to Keys” adopts families at Ronald McDonald House

    The pair are NOLA natives and owners of a finical services brand A mother and daughter duo, De ‘Shavonna and Rashanna Jasmine of “Credit to Keys” makes a contribution to the Ronald McDonald House of Southeast Louisiana.  Credit to keys is a financial service brand, focused on helping educate the community on the importance of […] More

  • Ether Israel’s New Video For Contrivance Is A Real Gem! (Must Watch)

    One of the hardest working New Orleans artists of 2020 has a message in his song Contrivance! This is real hip hop. Ether Israel never fails to deliver clean bars with a message packaged into them. His new video for Contrivance dropped last week and it has garnered an impressive amount of views since the […] More

  • New Orleans Native, Howard Alum Creates Clothing Brand to support his Foundation: Redd’s World Foundation  

    The mission of Redd’s World Foundation is to empower the youth through Community outreach, Education, Sports, and Entertainment.  Redd, the Founder Of Redd’s World Foundation and an Educator/ Football Coach at his Alma Mater West Jefferson High School teamed up with Last Bison Standing to give scholarships to two students in the amount of $1867 […] More

  • Hairstyle discrimination banned in the workplace

    The ordinance to ban hairstyle discrimination was passed unanimously by the New Orleans City Council. This move follows the progressive national trend of ending policies rooted in prejudice. The passing of this law has been a long time coming. For too long has these systems protected policies that clearly contribute to notions of social hierarchy. […] More

  • Is the Covid-19 Vaccine Safe?

    In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines are the best option for getting it under control. The FDA authorized emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines and they will be shipped across the country this week. There has been a lot of skepticism about its potential risk factors, so here are some facts about the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines, […] More

  • Hard Head History: The Story of The 7th Ward. (Documentary)

    The City of New Orleans is filled with history. A history that spans across the 17 Wards that divide the city. When attempting to get a full grasp of New Orleans history a great place to start would be the 7th Ward. The 7th Ward is the second-largest Ward in New Orleans behind the 9th […] More

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