YourInnerFatGirl Natalie Taste made its debut on Instagram live Jul. 6, 2020.

New Orleans, LA — “Phat Girls Kitchen” featuring Yourinnerfatgirl Natalie Taste made its debut on Instagram live Jul. 6, 2020. The cooking series gives her foodies, fans and fat girls an opportunity to explore her personal kitchen and favorite recipes with a few admirable culinary guests.
Her first episode of “Phat Girls Kitchen” included a fellow foodie and blogger Sheena’s Plate (@sheenasplate). The two prepared a Zea’s inspired BBQ Thai rib over. Future episodes will include guests sharing their favorite recipe while answering humorous questions over the tasty meal.

AllTheRavee: So let the people know, what’s your motivation behind Phat Girls Kitchen?
NT: My ultimate goal of Phat Girls Kitchen is highlighting culinary creatives with a business and/or brand. I also wanted to utilize IG Live because it’s gained more traction for brands while everyone’s at home on lockdown.
Luckily, if you missed the first episode you can catch it on @Yourinnerfatgirl! And if you’re in the mood for a cocktail definitely tune in to tonight’s episode featuring @TheboozybarNOLA