Today marks 12 years since Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. The recents events with Hurricane Harvey has literally shaken the nation. No one expected the devastation that occurred, and Harvey is still on course to hit land again. Hurricanes are very unpredictable and we really do not know what to expect in the coming days.
We’ve compiled a list of three things that you can do to help from your smart phone. We encourage everyone to do what they can to help in these trying times.
3. Donate to local relief efforts.
There are many relief groups forming to help flood victims. Houston did not issue a citywide evacuation due to the casualties during the Hurricane Rita evacuation in 2005. This means that there are a lot of people who are in desperate need of help and resources right now. We have listed a few local charities below. This ensures that your donation will be used to directly help with relief efforts in Texas.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Houston Food Bank
Emergency Aid Coalition
2. Repost distress calls made via social media.
There have been an alarming amount of distress posts made via social media. These post were made to get the attention of rescue teams after they received no response from the phone numbers given to them. Reposting these posts can create an “Amber Alert” style wave that can potentially help the people in need. Thousands of people have been rescued already and many more are waiting to be rescued.
1. Call and report distress calls to rescue teams.
As stated earlier, there are many rescue teams on the field right now trying to rescue lives. If you know someone that needs help, please do not hesitate to contact the Houston authorities to report their location. We’re in this together and it’s going to take all of us to make a difference!