Young Money has been slowly but surely preparing for the release of their newest duo Vice Versa.
The duo dropped their first video earlier this week and it has been receiving a good amount of attention. The video has cosigned by the entire Young Money squad ranging from artists to pro athletes.
My youngins @Ymyajj and @ympoppyh up to sumthin! #Mula
— Mack Maine (@mackmaine) November 1, 2017
Today they released their first single Brand New along with the first episode of their mini series VV Vlog directed by Dr.Clipz. Judging from this wave of content, we are certain that they are ready for the world to hear them. With all of the controversy surrounding the on-going battle between YM and CM; it’s good to hear some fresh music coming from the brand.
Check out the first episode and their first single out now!