Happy Birthday Neno! Check out our Top 3 Neno Calvin music videos.

Neno Calvin is one of the hottest young artists in New Orleans right now. Ever since joining Rich Gang, Neno leveled up in the music industry. In honor of his 23rd birthday, here are our top three Neno Calvin music videos!




3. Arrival (2016) [ Dir. Freewater]

105k views on YouTube

This dynamic visual uses vlog style footage blended into the actual production. This style is very creative and adds a fresh feeling to the video.



2. Where Ya At (2016) [Dir. M3RE Films]

223k views on YouTube

This is one of our favorite Neno Calvin beat jack freestyles. This high energy visual helped propel Neno to the well known artist he is today.  Check it out!



1. Ritz Carlton Featuring El Kidd (2016) [Dir. Unlisted]

450k views on YouTube

We couldn’t have made this list without this visual being in our number one spot. This video went completely viral with almost a half of a million views in one year. This visual was for his Gimmie That 3.5 project that had millions of plays on his Soundcloud.


What’s your favorite Neno Calvin video? Let us know in the comments below!

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